Virtual Morning Meeting Ideas for Distance Learning

Hey there teacher friend! We’ve been at this whole distance learning thing for about a month now (kind of can’t believe it’s been that long…), so we’re sort of, maybe, possibly in a little bit of a groove.
At first, many of us thought this would last a few weeks to a month… but it looks like we’re in this for the long haul. No matter how long you’re teaching remotely for, you’ll be needing plans and ideas.
Today I’m sharing ideas for virtual greetings, share topics, and activities. You can use these ideas for live or recorded morning meetings.
For more information on how to have a recorded morning meeting, visit this blog post.
High five, Handshake, Hug…
Just because we’re apart, doesn’t mean we can’t do a virtual version of these greeting favorites! Invite your little ones to give each other a virtual high five up to their webcam. It’s not the same, but hey, it’s simple and they’ll love it.
Change Your Voice
Change your voice greetings are always a hit in kindergarten because they allow for just a little bit of silliness. Students can say “hello” like a pirate, a monster, or just with their own made up voice!
Get Up and Move
Here’s a way to say “good morning” and get out some energy. Have your class do a dance move, take a curtsy/bow, or spin around while they greet their friends.
Sharing favorites is always, well, a favorite. To add a distance learning twist, ask students to share a favorite of something having to do with home. They might share their favorite at-home lunch, their favorite place to read at home, or a favorite stuffed animal they have. This list is almost endless.
Let’s not forget that just as this is a challenging time for adults, it’s a difficult time for kids too. Check in and have students share how they’re feeling. Let them know that whatever they’re feeling, that’s ok, and that we’re all in this together.
Confidence Boosters / Mindset Shares
I love these! They promote self-reflection and a growth mindset. Have your students share something they’re learning how to do, something they’re proud of, or something that they’re an expert at.
Yepp, bringing this one back during the “Activity” portion too, because social-emotional topics are important. You could have students draw their feeling, draw an emoji that represents their feeling, or show their feeling with a facial expression. Students could then look at drawings and expressions to figure out how their friends are feeling. Being able to look at a peer and know from their face or body language what they feel, is an important skill for kindergarteners to begin showing compassion and having empathy.
Mystery …..
Mystery number. Mystery word. Mystery Letter. Mystery Student. These are all some of my favorites! They’re essentially guessing games. Let’s say you’re playing mystery student. You choose a student, and give clues to help students figure out who it might be. Every time you give a clue, have students write down the name of a friend they think it is. These rules are the same for the other mystery games too.
Use paper/pencil, a personal white board, or a screen drawing tool to play these classic games just for fun!
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