The Number One Mistake Teachers Make that Effects Productivity

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The Number One Mistake Teachers Make that Effects Productivity

Have you ever thought about your teacher productivity and wondered...

I'd LOVE to get more done, but how do I make the most of my planning time? Or, What mistakes am I making that's keeping me from being more productive?

BEEN THERE, teacher friend! Teacher prep tasks seriously feel never-ending sometimes. Between writing lesson plans, grading, activity prep, and parent communication, it's hard to keep up with it all!! ...Let alone know what to work on first during planning time!

But here's the thing! Even though our to-do lists are never-ending and our planning time feels short:

  • You don't need a ton of time to make progress on your to-do list
  • You don't need to be the most organized, productive person to do it!

In fact, by fixing this one very common mistake, you CAN take control of your planning time to get more done.

In this blog post, I'm exposing the number one mistake teachers during their planning time, AND the solution to fixing it.



The Number One Mistake Affecting Your Teacher Productivity:

Winging your prep time.

I'm going to be a little blunt with you here.

(Mainly because I've made this mistake too and I wish I had someone to mentor me through how to approach prep times!)

If you're sitting down during your planning time, pulling out your long to-do list, and then deciding what to work on.... you're wasting valuable time.

Before you panic and give up...

This mistake is an EASY fix!!



The Solution to Managing Your Prep Tasks:

Ok so here's what you do:

Instead of approaching your planning time wondering what you should work on first, plan out what you'll get done each day.

This does 2 things to help you:

  • It gives you a plan of action so as soon as prep time starts you can get to work.
  • It breaks down your long to-do list into less overwhelming groups.

I recommend keeping this SUPER SIMPLE by prioritizing 3 important tasks you must work on, and then some extra "may do" tasks in case you have extra time.

If you're looking for more guidance on how you can get started with simple teacher productivity strategies that work, download my free guide: 3 Ways to Instantly Increase Productivity here:



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