How to Teach Kindergarten Math Workshops During Distance Learning

distance learning math teaching
How to Teacher Kindergarten Math Workshops During Distance Learning

Oh hey there, amazing teacher friend! I’m so glad you’re here right now because the topic of this blog post is a good one.

When you found out you’d be teaching kindergarten virtually, did you kind of look something like this? 


Lol, same. 

I kind of felt like a new teacher again, trying to figure out what my lesson routines would look like. It felt confusing, to be honest.

After some trial, error, and planning, I found a format for Math Workshop that my students and I are loving! I hope you love it too!

Our Virtual Math Workshop looks something like this:

How it Works:

Students join our google meet. We review expectations and math groups. Half of the students stay for the math lesson, half go into a breakout room for a Calendar lesson with our TA

If you don’t have a TA or teach calendar during another time, another option would be having this half of the class could do a virtual math station such as Dreambox or online game.

After each group participates in the first half of math, they switch to do the other.

About Breakout Rooms:

When I first introduced breakout rooms, I showed them screenshots of the pop ups and prompts they would see. We talked about what to click when they were prompted to join a breakout room.

Tip – If you’re using Google Meet, I found it easier to split the class in 2, using the main room and one breakout room. When it’s time to switch, I switch myself and our TA. Then not everyone has to navigate moving between rooms.

About the Warmup:

This is a quick activity we do when we first come together to review previously learned skills OR practice math fluency. Some of my favorite ways to warmup our math brains are:

  • Virtual Number Flash Cards
  • Virtual Counting/Subitizing
  • a Math brain break video

You can find virtual Math Workshop Warmup Slides for Kindergarten here!

About the Mini-Lesson

I always put my teaching point on my mini-lesson slide as a reminder for myself, along with a visual that relates to what we’ll be doing.

Tip – You may want to include a slide that shows students what materials they’ll need. This will be a super helpful visual support for your little ones.

About the Independent Task

After we go through the mini-lesson, I introduce our independent task. Examples of independent tasks might be:

  • Using white boards to solve a problem or represent a skill they learned (great for number writing, drawing a given amount, or solving addition/subtraction problems)
  • Using cubes or other math tools to represent the skill. (great for counting and representing an amount)
  • Finding objects at home that show they can apply the skills (great for identifying shapes, creating a set, comparing by creating a set of more or less).
  • Doing an interactive activity in Seesaw

About Share

At the end of Math Workshop, we come back together in the main room for students to share. I typically prompt them to share something they learned, a new skill they tried, or we create an anchor chart together.

If you’re looking for Math Workshop Slides you can customize to any lesson you teach, check these out:

Math Workshop Slides and Math Workshop Warmup Slides for Kinder

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