How to Teach Kindergarten Math Workshops During Distance Learning

Oh hey there, amazing teacher friend! I’m so glad you’re here right now because the topic of this blog post is a good one.
When you found out you’d be teaching kindergarten virtually, did you kind of look something like this?
Lol, same.
I kind of felt like a new teacher again, trying to figure out what my lesson routines would look like. It felt confusing, to be honest.
After some trial, error, and planning, I found a format for Math Workshop that my students and I are loving! I hope you love it too!
Our Virtual Math Workshop looks something like this:
How it Works:
Students join our google meet. We review expectations and math groups. Half of the students stay for the math lesson, half go into a breakout room for a Calendar lesson with our TA
If you don’t have a TA or teach calendar during another time, another option would be having this half of the class could do a virtual math station such as Dreambox or online game.
After each group participates in the first half of math, they switch to do the other.
About Breakout Rooms:
When I first introduced breakout rooms, I showed them screenshots of the pop ups and prompts they would see. We talked about what to click when they were prompted to join a breakout room.
Tip – If you’re using Google Meet, I found it easier to split the class in 2, using the main room and one breakout room. When it’s time to switch, I switch myself and our TA. Then not everyone has to navigate moving between rooms.
About the Warmup:
This is a quick activity we do when we first come together to review previously learned skills OR practice math fluency. Some of my favorite ways to warmup our math brains are:
- Virtual Number Flash Cards
- Virtual Counting/Subitizing
- a Math brain break video
You can find virtual Math Workshop Warmup Slides for Kindergarten here!
About the Mini-Lesson
I always put my teaching point on my mini-lesson slide as a reminder for myself, along with a visual that relates to what we’ll be doing.
Tip – You may want to include a slide that shows students what materials they’ll need. This will be a super helpful visual support for your little ones.
About the Independent Task
After we go through the mini-lesson, I introduce our independent task. Examples of independent tasks might be:
- Using white boards to solve a problem or represent a skill they learned (great for number writing, drawing a given amount, or solving addition/subtraction problems)
- Using cubes or other math tools to represent the skill. (great for counting and representing an amount)
- Finding objects at home that show they can apply the skills (great for identifying shapes, creating a set, comparing by creating a set of more or less).
- Doing an interactive activity in Seesaw
About Share
At the end of Math Workshop, we come back together in the main room for students to share. I typically prompt them to share something they learned, a new skill they tried, or we create an anchor chart together.
If you’re looking for Math Workshop Slides you can customize to any lesson you teach, check these out:
Math Workshop Slides and Math Workshop Warmup Slides for Kinder
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