3 Time Management Routines for Elementary Teachers

time management
3 Time Management Routines for Elementary Teachers

Truth: They don't teach you time management routines before becoming an elementary teacher. But they should.

Staying on top of all of the teacher tasks can be a real challenge. One of my biggest struggles as a teacher was staying on top of all of the tiny tasks we have to do, while still getting the more important planning and prepping things done.

It's hard to know what to work on when and how to get it all done!

That's why today, I'm sharing the key routines teachers need to stay on top of your to dos.

Using these 3 insanely simple routines will:

  • give you a clear plan for getting small and big planning tasks done
  • simplify your mornings and afternoons
  • help you feel more prepared instead of feeling like you're constantly playing catch up

After you start using these routines, you'll be on your way to ditching overwhelm for present productivity, teacher friend.


Start of Workday Routine for Teachers

The Start of Workday Routine is exactly what it sounds like:

The steps you follow when you start your workday (before the kids get to school, of course).

Your start of workday routine should:

  • be simple
  • help you get prepared for the day
  • allow you to feel calm but ready

A few actions you might want to include in your workday start routine are:

  • check email
  • set out morning work
  • check your plan for the day
  • ensure all materials are in their place

These are just a few basic prep tasks you might want to include. Notice how they don't require much brain power, but they can still help you get ready for the day.

In this episode of The Teacher Time Podcast, we talk in depth about setting up simple workday start and end routines. Check it out!





End of Workday Routine for Teachers

Once again, the End of Workday Routine is exactly what you think it is: the routine you follow at the end of the school day.

Again, this routine is one that you'll start once students leave for the day, and it should be simple.

A few actions you might want to include in your End of Workday Routine are:

  • check and respond to email
  • set up daily schedule for the next day
  • check student work
  • review your tasks for the following day

The tasks you do at the end of the school day should help you turn your teacher brain off for the day by closing out any tiny tasks that need to get done.

Wondering about the super simple, but precise process for setting up these routines with ease? Click here to listen to the podcast episode and get all the answers!



Weekly Planning Routine for Teachers

This doesn't mean lesson planning. Your weekly planning routine is the process you follow to plan out the prep tasks you have for the week.

Having a weekly planning routine will help you ensure you're not winging your planning time (a common mistake that can affect your productivity, big time).

So how does it work?

Every Sunday night or Monday morning, set aside 10 minutes to plan out your week

  • Fill in important events, meetings, and non-negotiables
  • Do a brain dump of all the things you need to get done
  • Ditch that long to do list by scheduling out what you'll get done each day!



Taking the time to get your weekly planning page filled in before the week starts will set you up for success in the long run. It's something we cover in detail inside Teacher Time University to help you start creating and living a day to day schedule you love.

Ready to take back your weekends? Get on the Teacher Time University Waitlist and be the first to know when doors open again!


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