3 Planner Templates Every Teacher Needs

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I don't know about you, but when I find a planner template for teachers, I'm as excited as a kindergartener who gets to be the line leader (if you know, you know).
The problem is, there are so many different kinds of lesson plan templates and versions of to-do lists that it's hard to know what the best planner pages for teachers are! That's where this post comes in. Today, you're going to learn from my teacher trials and errors to quickly find out which planner pages will make you the most organized teacher.
After learning what the essential teacher planning pages are and how to use them, you'll:
- have go-to templates for lesson planning
- know which planner templates will help your teacher time management
- be able to use these planner templates to get ahead
Weekly Lesson Plan Template
I know, I know ... this one seems obvious. BUT... Having a go-to template for your weekly lesson plans that you use over and over is a huge timesaver.
If you find yourself opening a brand new document every single week,
... recreating a weekly template
... and sifting through old plans to figure out how to format the current week's plans
It's time to get a weekly lesson planning template that will save you time and make your teacher heart happy.
Here's what to include in your weekly planning template:
- A heading with a space to include the week's dates
- A column for each day of the week
- A row for each subject you teach
- Lesson components within each table box
If you don't want to spend too much time setting up this template, you can grab this one in my TPT store.
Long Term Planning Template
This is the template that will change the game!
If you want to:
- know what you're going to teach each month ahead of time
- and save time on weekly lesson planning (insert every teacher raising their hand here)
... you need a long term planning template.
You can read more about how to long term plan in this blog post, but here's the gist of what to include in that template:
- The month
- A row or column for each week of the month
- A row or column for each subject you teach
- An overview of what you'll teach every week of the month for each subject
Once you have all of those details plugged in, you can quickly look ahead when prepping and have a general plan ready to go when you sit down to write out those weekly lesson plans.
Daily Planning Page
There are certain times when having a daily lesson planning template is necessary for teachers.
One of the most important instances is when you need to write sub plans.
... oh sub plans.
They're probably one of the most dreaded teacher tasks. Am I right??
But we all need them and having a template you can quickly open up and type into will be a pretty big timesaver in your teacher life.
Here's what to include in your daily lesson planning template:
- The day of the week and specific date
- A row for each subject you teach
- A column where you can type in the subject and content the substitute would teach.
If you want to quickly be able to open or share sub plans in your google drive, I've got you covered!
These daily lesson planning templates are editable in google drive! So you can easily access from anywhere AND share with a substitute. No more having to contact coworkers to print things for you when you need to take a day off.
Get All The Teacher Planning Templates You Need
If you're ready to:
- Have the planning templates you need at your fingertips
- Stop recreating lesson planning pages
Grab this bundle to start saving you planning time right now!
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